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Forthcoming translation from the French of Catherine Malabou's Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought is the recipient of a 2022 French Voices award.

Shread, C. Round table panelist “Traduire et éditer le genre » Babelica, Alliance internationale des éditeurs indépendants, online 21 September, 2023

Shread, C. Invited keynote speaker at the 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies: "Plasticity of Thought in Translation" 29 May 2023

Invited speaker for Mellon Sawyer Seminar Building Translation Networks with Hathi Trust. University of Michigan. Talk entitled: "Translation Anarchy" December 7, 2022

Invited speaker at Séminaire d’axe 4 Traduction et médiation at the Université de Lille, France, where she gave a presentation online entitled "Penser la plasticité en traduction" on November 30, 2022.

Gave a guest lecture, “The Pleasure of Translating Catherine Malabou”, at Séminaire Climas Intersections, Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France, on 22 October 2021

Singer, Kate. (2023). “From It’s the End of the World as We Know it and I Feel Queer: Mary Shelley, Queer Affect, and Shapeshifting Through The Last Man.” In Chris Washington, Editor, The Last Man: A Norton Critical Edition. W. W. Norton.

Singer, K. (2022). “Shapeshifting Romantic Consciousness." In Richard Sha and Joel Faflak (Eds.), Romanticism and Consciousness, Revisited (pp. 311-338). Edinburgh University Press.

Singer, K. (2019). Romantic Vacancy: The Poetics of Gender, Affect, and Radical Speculation. SUNY Press: Albany, NY.

Singer, K. "'It's the End of the World as We Know It and I Feel Queer': Mary Shelley, Queer Affect, and Shapeshifting through The Last Man." In K. Singer, A. Cross, and S. L. Barnett (Eds.). Material Transgressions: Beyond Bodies, Genders, Things (213-232). Liverpool University Press.