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Cuenya, L.*, Sabariego, M.*, Donaire, R., Callejas-Aguilera, J.E., Torres, C., Fernández-Teruel, A. Exploration of a novel object in late adolescence predicts novelty-seeking behavior in adulthood: Associations among behavioral responses in four novelty-seeking tests (2016). Behavioral Processes, 135 (34-42).
* Denotes co-first author.

Cuenya, L.*, Sabariego, M.*, Donaire, R., Fernández-Teruel, A., Torres, C., Papini, M.R. Transfer across reward devaluation tasks in inbred Roman rat strains (2015). Learning and Motivation, 52, 22-31.
* Denotes co-first author.

Manzo, L., Donaire, R., Sabariego, M., Papini, M.R., Torres, C. Anti-Anxiety Self-Medication: Oral Consumption of Chlordiazepoxide after Reward Loss (2015). Behavioural Brain Research 278, 90–97.


Torres, C. & Sabariego, M. Incentive relativity: gene-environment interactions (2014). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27 (3), 446-458.

Sabariego, M., Morón, I., Gómez, M.J., Donaire, R., Tobeña, A., Fernández-Teurel, A., Martínez-Conejero, J.A., Esteban, F.J., Torres, C. (2013). Incentive Loss and Hippocampal Gene Expression in Inbred Roman High (RHA-I) and Low (RLA-I) Avoidance Rats. Behavioral Brain Research, 257, 62-70.

Cuenya, L.*, Sabariego, M*., Donaire, R., Fernández-Teruel, A., Tobeña, A., Gómez, M.J., Mustaca, A., Torres, C. (2012).  The effect of Partial Reinforcement on Instrumental Successive Negative Contrast in Inbred Roman High- (RHA-I) and Low-(RLA-I) Avoidance Rats. , 105, 1112-1116.
* Denotes co-first author.

Sabariego, M., Gómez, M.J., Morón, I., Torres, C., Fernández-Teruel, A., Tobeña, A., Cañete, T., Martínez-Conejero, J.A., Horcajadas, J.A., Esteban, F.J. (2011). Differential Gene Expression between Inbred Roman High- (RHA-I) and Low- (RLA-I) Avoidance Rats. Neuroscience Letters, 504, 265-270.

Gomez, N., Sadai, S., et al., (2024) The influence of realistic 3D mantle viscosity on Antarctica’s contribution to future global sea levels. Sci. Adv.10, eadn1470. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adn1470

Sadai, S., Spector, R. A., DeConto, R., & Gomez, N. (2022). The Paris Agreement and climate justice: Inequitable impacts of sea level rise associated with temperature targets. Earth’s Future. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022ef002940

Saltzman, M. . Palgrave Macmillan, 2024. ISBN: 9783031577956

Saltzman, M. “.” Translation of short story by Luis Arriola Ayala. Latin American Literary Review. Volume: 51 Issue: 102, 2024. DOI: 10.26824/lalr.415