Faculty Accomplishments

Mount Holyoke professors have won Guggenheim awards, NASA grants and Carnegie Fellowships.

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Saltzman, M. “”&Բ;Spain after the Indignados/15M Movement: the 99% Speaks Out, edited by Oscar Pereira and Steven L. Torres. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. DOI: 978-3-030-19435-2_13

Saltzman, M. Review of the book “” by Prádanos, Luis. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, volume 22, 2020. DOI: 14636204.2020.1801959 

Saltzman, M. “”&Բ;Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, volume 23, 2019. Special section: “Ecología y estudios culturales ibéricos en el siglo XXI.”

Saltzman, M. Regional Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wolf Humanities Center, seminar “Stuff,” 2018-2019.

Saltzman, M. Invited lecture for Columbia School of Professional Studies Pre-College, “Resisting Mass Tourism and City Branding,” February 21, 2021.

Received a grant from the Shifting Foundation for his project to record the David Sanford Big Band.

One of four composers receiving Arts and Letters Awards in Music from the Academy of Arts and Letters, which honor outstanding artistic achievement and acknowledge composers who have arrived at their own voice. They each receive an additional award to record their work and will also have their music presented in a concert at the Academy in the spring of 2022.

Was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Lauret Savoy was awarded a Faculty Fellowship from Harvard University's Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History (2024)

Lauret Savoy was awarded the for her book Trace Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape (2017)