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Was recently interviewed by Voices of the Middle East and North Africa on KPFA Radio of Berkeley, CA about government assault on higher education in Turkey. The interview was aired in two parts and can be found here: Part I () & Part II ().

de Mestre A.M., Bacon S.J., Costa C.C., Leadbeater J.C., Noronha L.E., Stewart F, Antczak D.F. 2008. Modeling Trophoblast Differentiation using Equine Chorionic Girdle Vesicles. Placenta. 29(2):158-69.

Bacon, S.J., Ellis, S.A., and Antczak, D.F. 2002. Control of Expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex Genes in Horse Trophoblast. Biology of Reproduction. 66:1612-1620.

Carpenter, S., Baker, J.M., Bacon, S.J., Hopman, T., Maher, J., Ellis, S. and Antczak, D.F. 2001. Molecular and Functional Characterization of Genes Encoding Horse MHC Class I Antigens. Immunogenetics. 53(9):802-9.

Bacon, S.J. and McClintock, M.K. 1999. Sex Ratio Bias in Postpartum-Conceived Norway Rat Litters is Produced by Embryonic Loss in Midpregnancy. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 117(2):403-411.

Kate Ballantine and Rachel Rubin (Environmental Studies) and Jason Andras (Biology) received a grant from the Restore America's Estuaries: Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Watershed Grants for their project " Bioreactors for Enhanced Nitrogen Removal in Coastal Cranberry Farms." The project is for two years and four months.

Kate Ballantine was a contributing partner on a successful USDA National Resources Conservation Service award to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts supporting wetland restoration and associated research for "Cranberry Bog Conservation and Habitat Restoration."  The project is for 5 years. (May, 2020)

Rubin, R., K. Ballantine, A. Hegberg*, and J. Andras. 2022. Flooding and ecological restoration promote wetland microbial communities and soil functions on former cranberry farmland. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260933.

Bartolucci, N.*, T. Anderson, and K. Ballantine. 2020. Restoration of retired agricultural land to wetland mitigates greenhouse gas emissions. Restoration Ecology. 

Ballantine, K., G. Davenport, L. Deegan, B. Gladfelter, C. Hatch, C. Kennedy, S. Klionsky, B. Mayton, C. Neill, T. Surasinghe, N. Valentine.  2020. Learning from the Restoration of Wetlands on Cranberry Farmland.  

Rubin, R.L., T.R. Anderson, and K.A. Ballantine (2020). Biochar Simultaneously Reduces Nutrient Leaching and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Restored Wetland Soils. Wetlands. 

Andras, J. P., Rodriguez-Reillo, W. G., Truchon, A., Blanchard, J. L., Pierce, E. A., & Ballantine, K. A. (2020). Rewilding the small stuff: The effect of ecological restoration on prokaryotic communities of peatland soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiaa144