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Babül, E. M. "Postscript to Training Bureaucrats, Practicing for Europe: Negotiating Bureaucratic Authority and Governmental Legitimacy in Turkey" PoLAR Virtual Edition. 2016.

Babül, E. M. (2020). Radical once more: the contentious politics of human rights in Turkey. Social Anthropology, 28(1), 50–65.

Babül, E. M. "The Paradox of Protection:  Human Rights, the Masculinist State and the Moral Economy of Gratitude in Turkey"  American Ethnologist.  February 2015. 41(1):  116-130.

Babül, E. M. “Training Bureaucrats, Practicing for Europe: Constitutive Bureaucratic Imaginaries in Turkey” Political and Legal Anthropology Review. Spring 2012. 35(1):

Babül, E. M. “Smells Like Translation: An Introduction.” Middle East Section. Yasmin Moll. (ed.). Anthropology News. October 2011. 52(7): 41-42.

Babül, E. M. “Human Rights Translations: Reframing the Universal and the International for Bureaucracy in Turkey.” Middle East Section. Emilio Spadola. (ed.). Anthropology News. April 2010. 51(4): 41.

Babül, E. M. "Claiming a Place Through Memories of Belonging: Politics of Recognition on the Island of Imbros." New Perspectives on Turkey. No. 34 (2006): 47-65.

Babül's book Bureaucratic Intimacies (Stanford University Press, 2017) received an honorable mention in the 2019 Biennial Book Award given by the Middle East section of the American Anthropological Association.

Babül's book “Bureaucratic Intimacies: Translating Human Rights in Turkey” (Stanford University Press, 2017), was awarded the William E. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe. The award is given to the best book published in the past year.

Was invited to speak in a panel organized by the London School of Economics and Political Science Human Rights Center on “Defending Academic Autonomy in Turkey,” which took place on April 28, 2021.