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Helbert, J., Maturilli, A., Dyar, M.D., and Alemanno, G. (2021) Deriving iron contents from past and future Venus surface spectra with new high temperature laboratory emissivity data. Science Advances, 7, eaba9428.

Wang, A., Yan, Y., Dyar, M.D., Houghton, J.L., Farrell, W.M., Joliff, B.L., McLennan, S.M., Shi, E., and Qu, H. (2020) Amorphization of S, Cl‐salts induced by Martian dust activities. Geophysical Research Letters, 125(12), e2020JE006701.

Dyar, M.D., Helbert, J., Maturilli, A., Müller, N., and Kappel, D. (2020) Probing Venus surface iron contents with six-band VNIR spectroscopy from orbit. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(23), e2020GL090497, .

Dyar, M.D., Helbert, J., Cooper, R.F., Sklute, E.C., Maturilli, A., Muleer, N.T., Kappel, D., and Smrekar, S.E. (2020) Surface weathering on Venus: Constraints from kinetic, spectroscopic, and geochemical data. Icarus, .

Ytsma, C.R., Knudson, C.A., Dyar, M.D., McAdam, A.C., Michaud, D.D., and Rollosson, LM. (2020) Accuracies of major, minor, and trace element quantification in rocks by portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (pLIBS). Spectrochimica Acta B.171, 105946.

Ytsma, C.R., Knudson, C.A., Dyar, M.D., McAdam, A.C., Michaud, D.D., and Rollosson, LM. (2020) Accuracies of major, minor, and trace element quantification in rocks by portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (pLIBS). Spectrocimica Acta B.171, 105946.

Helbert, J., Sauberlich, T., Dyar, M.D., Ryan, C., Waltr, I., Reess, J.-M., Rosas-Ortiz, Y., Peter, G., Maturilli, A., and Arnold, G. (2020) The Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM): advanced development status and performance evaluation. Proceedings Volume 11502, Infrared Remote Sensing and Instrumentation XXVIII, 1150208 (2020) .

Dyar, M.D., and Sklute, E.C. (2020) Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Theory and Laboratory Spectra of Geologic Materials. In Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 147-167.

Jones, B.M., Aleksandrov, A., Dyar, M. D., Hibbitts, C.K., and Orlando, T.M. (2020) Investigation of water interactions with Apollo lunar regolith grains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. DOI:10.1029/2019JE006147.

McCanta, M.C., and Dyar, M.D. (2020) Effects of oxidation on pyroxene visible-near infrared and mid-infrared spectra. Icarus, 352, 113978.