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Park, K.-S., J-Y Kim & H-Y. Smith (2019). Designing and implementing YouTube vlog projects in the language classroom. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention (2019 ACTFL). Washington, D. C. November 23.   

Park, K.-S., J-Y Kim & H-Y. Smith. (2019). Using vlogs to promote a social learning environment for (post)digital natives in KFL classrooms. American Association of Teachers of Korean 24th Annual Conference (AATK 24). University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. June 20.

Park, K.-S. (2019). L2 children’s adherence to the given-before-new principle in dative alternations. International Workshop on the L1 and L2 Acquisition of Information Structure. KU Leuven, Belgium. April 26.

Park, K.-S. (2018). KFL learners’ acquisition of scrambling and non-scrambling with give-type verbs. American Association of Teachers of Korean 23rd Annual Conference (AATK 23). University of Toronto, Canada. June 22.

Park, K.-S. (2017). A bidirectional study on the givenness constraint in L2-English and L2-Korean. American Association for Applied Linguistics 2017 Conference (AAAL 2017). Portland, OR. March 18.

Park, K.-S. & H. Y. Smith. (2017). Issues in Korean language placement testing. American Association of Teachers of Korean 22nd Annual Conference (AATK 22). University of Southern California, Los Angeles. July 1 

Monahin, Nona & Pash, Meg. (2024, February 22). The Interdependence of Music and Dance in 16th-century Renaissance Dance Reconstruction. Early Dance Symposium 2024 - virtual conference hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and the Dance Studies Association’s Early Dance Working Group.

Paus, E. 2022. “Firm Level Innovation, Government Policies, and the Middle Income Trap: Insights from Five Latin American Countries,” CEPAL Review, 2022, 97-118 (with Mike Robinson).

Paus, E. 2022. “Innovación a nivel de las empresas, políticas gubernamentales y la trampa del ingreso medio: enseñanzas de cinco economías latinoamericancas,” Revista de la CEPAL, 2022, 105-132 (with Mike Robinson).

Paus, E. 2023. “Global Value Chains in Agriculture and the Middle Income Trap: A Framework for Analysis Applied to Peru’s Boom,” Journal of Development Studies. 2023 (with Luis Abugattas and Mari Amparo Criuz-Saco).