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Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2014). Support for extended discourse in teacher talk with linguistically diverse preschoolers. Early Education and Development, 25, 1162-1179.

Jennifer Wallace Jacoby received the Taylor & Francis/National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Foundation’s Outstanding Journal Article Award for 2019 for her article, Supporting Dual Language Learners in Head Start: Teacher Beliefs about Teaching Priorities and Strategies to Facilitate English Language Acquisition from the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. She was recently honored with the award at the NAECTE Annual Conference, which was held virtually on November 4, 2020.  

Adeline Mueller (Music) gave an invited lecture in the Musicology Colloquia series at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, entitled “Touching Melodies: Tactile Music Notation at the Vienna Institute for the Blind, ca. 1819” (November 8). Luke Jaeger (Technical Project Administrator, Fimbel Maker and Innovation Lab) prepared three-dimensional replicas of an experimental music notation system illustrated in one of Mueller's nineteenth-century sources; these were shared with the audience at the lecture.

Jones, S. (2022, January 22). Georgia's Fate Linked with Ukraine (Perspectives) Eurasianet.

Jones, S. (2021, December 4). “The Lords of Misrule in Georgia,” PONARS Eurasia,

Gelman, T., Jones, S., Kakachia, K. 2021. Georgia’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Challenges for a Small State. Bloomsbury Press (I.B.Tauris), London.

Jones, S.F. & Toria, M. (2021) “Introduction: Rethinking Memory Sites and Symbolic Realms of Georgian National Identity,” Caucasus Survey, 9(3), 211-219, DOI: 10.1080/23761199.2021.1975975 

Jones, S. F. (2021, September 14). Georgia. 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War. DOI: .

Jones, S. (2020). Introduction. In The State Controller’s Office of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (in Georgian and English) (pp. 11-16). Tbilisi: The State Auditor of Georgia.

Jones, S. (2020, December 2). From Tbilisi to Washington: there’s too much focus on elections. Open Democracy.