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Anna Maria Hong read and taught a workshop on 21st-century sonnets at West Chester University’s C.R.A.F.T. Poetry and Creative Arts Festival on June 10–11, 2023 in West Chester, PA.

Anna Maria Hong performed with Paul Iocono, Shalewa Sharp, and Tyler Mills at Poetry/Cabaret: Dry Aged on May 19, 2023 at the Green Room 42 in New York City.

Anna Maria Hong guest edited Traversals: A Folio on Walking with Christine Hume, featuring essays, poems, and stories by 29 writers and published in print and online at The Hopkins Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, Summer 2023.

Anna Maria Hong presented “from Dispellations” on the “Composing Resilience for Reproductive Rights: A Multi-Genre Showcase” panel at the in Niagara Falls, NY on March 25, 2023. 

Music theater work, H & G, a great and terrible story, adapted from her novella, H & G, premiered at Bennington College’s Lester Martin Theater on April 22–24, 2022. Hong co-wrote the libretto with director Jean Randich with music composed by Allen Shawn.

Gave a craft talk and reading as the International Women’s Day Featured Reader at the West Chester University Poetry Center on March 8, 2022. Hong chaired and presented on a panel titled “Feminist, Hybrid, and Collaborative: A Reading and Conversation” at the Northeast Modern Language Association Conference in Baltimore, MD on March 11, 2022.

Interview with Sarah Audsley, “Of Beasts & Feminism: An Interview//Review of FABLESQUE by Anna Maria Hong,” was published at Green Mountains Review online on January 28, 2022.  

Read at the Poetry/Cabaret with Thomas March, Gabrielle Calvocoressi, and others in New York City on December 11, 2021.

An interview with Anna Maria Hong, “A Little Bit Blown Apart: On Dispellations,” was published in Shenandoah on October 1, 2021.

Was interviewed by Mass Poetry for  published on April 26, 2021.