Faculty Accomplishments

Mount Holyoke professors have won Guggenheim awards, NASA grants and Carnegie Fellowships.

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Haydon, K. C., & Salvatore, J. E. (2022). Relationship perceptions and conflict behavior among cannabis users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237, 109502.

Haydon, K. C., & Salvatore, J. E. (2021). A prospective study of mental health, well-being, and substance use during the initial COVID-19 pandemic surge. Clinical Psychological Science, .

Haydon, K. C., & Moss, C. (2020). Attachment and sleep: A dyadic intensive longitudinal actigraphy study. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, .  

Haydon, K.C., Woronzoff-Dashkoff, A., & Murphy, K. (2020). Who's the boss? How and when process power moderates partner regulation of attachment defenses. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Haydon, K. C. & Roisman, G. I. (2013). "What’s past is prologue: Social developmental antecedents of close relationships." In J. A. Simpson & L. Campbell (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Close Relationships.

Haydon, K. C., Roisman, G.I., & Burt, K.B. (2012). "In search of security: The latent structure of the Adult Attachment Interview revisited." Development and Psychopathology24, 589-606

Haydon, K. C., Roisman, G. I., Marks, M. J., & Fraley, R. C. (2012). "An empirically derived approach to the latent structure of the Adult Attachment Interview: Additional convergent and discriminant validity evidence." Attachment & Human Development, 13, 503-524.

Haydon, K. C., Collins, W. A., Salvatore, J. E., Simpson, J. A., & Roisman, G. I. (2012). "Shared and distinctive origins and correlates of adult attachment representations: The developmental organization of romantic functioning." Child Development, 83, 1689-1702

Herbert, E. (2019). Serendib: Scenes from Colonial Ceylon. Amherst: Levellers Press.

David Hernández was accepted into the Faculty Development Seminar (FDS) at the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC), run by the State Department. Provided there is a cease-fire, Hernández will travel to Israel and Palestine in mid-May for two weeks with other scholars from around the country. The PARC FDS is a unique opportunity for collaboration, bridge-building (at a critical time), and a turn in Hernández's scholarship.