General Principles
Ířşě±¬ÁĎ centers wellness within the campus community and understands that each student makes their own choices regarding whether or not to engage in the use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Thus the College emphasizes the responsibility of each community member to be law-abiding, knowledgeable and thoughtful about any decisions regarding alcohol and drug consumption. The College expects all faculty, staff and students to become familiar with the state and federal laws and with the College’s policies governing substance use as well asand to consider the penalties and risks that can result from violations. The law puts major responsibility, and therefore liability, on both the person who serves and/or the person who buys the alcohol, and the penalties for both the individual and the institution are very severe.
With the help of the Be Well program, the College strives to provide comprehensive information regarding alcohol and drug use so that and urges all community members can make educated and informed choices regarding their own use of substances. The College encourages those with concerns about their own or others’ difficulties with alcohol and/or other drugs to seek confidential assistance through Counseling Service. As part of our commitment to a safe and holistic campus environment, the College strives to provide:
- Information and education for all students to make informed, intentional and individualized choices regarding the use of substances.
- An atmosphere that respects said individual choices and is free of coercion for those who elect not to use alcohol and drugs.
- A community that actively reduces harm done to individuals and groups as a result of alcohol and drug use are minimal and where problem behavior is reduced.
- Confidential and effective guidance and counseling for students seeking support related to substance use.
The following policy outlines the importance of the health and safety of students, compliance with state and federal laws regarding the use, possession, purchase, sale and distribution of alcohol and drugs, and highlights the College’s educational mission to inform students so they can make responsible life choices regarding their use of substances.
Alcohol and Drug-free Environment
In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Ířşě±¬ÁĎ has developed this policy in an effort to provide a healthy environment by preventing the harmful misuse of drugs or alcohol within the College community and in response to the federal drug-free legislation. The Drug-Free Schools and Campus Act, which became law in December 1989, mandates that institutions of higher education adopt and implement a program designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, dispensation or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees. The College is required to provide certification to the Department of Education that such a program is in place.
Ířşě±¬ÁĎ prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of controlled substances and alcohol by any member of the faculty, staff or student body on College property or at any College-sponsored function, whether on or off campus, and requires the cooperation of the entire campus community in its pursuit to maintain a drug-free environment in all aspects of campus life. At certain sanctioned College functions, alcoholic beverages may be allowed but will be appropriately monitored.
Any student who violates this prohibition, or who does not cooperate with the College in its attempts to maintain a drug-free environment, may face disciplinary action and may be required, as a condition of continuing the faculty/staff/student relationship with the College, to enroll at their own expense in a substance abuse counseling and treatment program.
In addition, the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires that any employee (including student employees) working at Ířşě±¬ÁĎ who is convicted under a criminal drug statute for conduct in the workplace must report this conviction to the College no later than five days after the conviction. Workplace in this instance is defined as a site for the performance of work done in connection with a particular federal grant or contract. Once the College is informed of such a conviction, the College is required by law to notify the federal contractor or grantor within 10 days after an employee’s conviction or within 10 days after it has actual knowledge of such conviction, whichever is earlier. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with resources available in the area for substance abuse, counseling and treatment.
Alcohol Policy Guidelines
Ířşě±¬ÁĎ’s Alcohol Policy is guided by and abides by law outlined by the commonwealth of Massachusetts and the town of South Hadley, Massachusetts. The acquisition, possession, transportation, consumption and distribution of alcoholic beverages is governed by statute and regulation. For full text of the law, please see .
- A person must be 21 years of age or older to purchase, possess, consume and transport alcoholic beverages.
- Use or possession of alcoholic beverages by any persons under the age of 21 years of age is prohibited.
Additionally, the College upholds the following standards specific to our campus community:
- The presence, possession, or use of kegs by individuals or groups other than at a registered, approved event is prohibited on the College campus.
- Persons 21 years of age and over may use alcohol in the privacy of their rooms providing all guidelines governing guests, noise and appropriate behavior are followed.
- Consumption of alcohol in unapproved areas (e.g., residence hall public space, stairways, corridors, elevators, bathrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, laundry rooms, academic buildings, etc.) is subject to disciplinary action.
- Possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in public/common areas or on the grounds of the College, except at registered events or licensed facilities.
- In situations in which there is a mix of students under the legal drinking age and of legal drinking age living together in the same space, underage status supersedes those 21 and over and therefore students may not serve or host alcohol in their residence hall room.
All student groups are also held to the Alcohol Policy and Guidelines for Student Events, which can be found in the .
Drug Policy Guidelines
Members of the College community are expected to follow applicable federal and state laws regarding the use of controlled substances. For the purposes of this policy, controlled substances include medications (prescription or over-the counter) not used as indicated or prescribed, illegal drugs, and chemical substances not used for their intended purpose. Federal, state and local sanctions for unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs range from probation and forfeiture of property to fines and imprisonment.
The use, cultivation, manufacture, sale, distribution, and/or possession of drugs or controlled substances in violation of federal, state, or municipal laws is prohibited by the College and is not permitted in the residence halls, on any College property, or while on College business.
Violations of the drug policy include but are not limited to:
- Possession or use of illegal drugs.
- Use of a controlled prescription medication that was not prescribed to the user; or using one's own controlled substance prescription medication in ways other than prescribed.
- The non-medical use of prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications.
- Failure to report the use, cultivation, manufacture, sale, distribution, and/or possession of illegal substances on any College property to a College official.
- Knowing presence during the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of substances.
Enforcement of the Alcohol and Drug Policy
The College entrusts all members of the campus community, including students, faculty, and staff to observe the laws and policies pertaining to alcohol and drug usage in an effort to cultivate a safe, holistic environment. Those who violate these policies and/or laws will be asked to take accountability for their individual or collective actions. Further, they should understand that possible outcomes may include disciplinary action, personal liability, fines and/or imprisonment. Students who violate state or federal laws will not be protected by the College and their actions may be subject to civil or criminal complaints. Ířşě±¬ÁĎ will not intervene on an individual’s behalf with campus, local or state law enforcement authorities.
Violations of the alcohol and drug policies including dangerous or disruptive behavior that may arise with of alcohol and/or drugs misuse will be handled by the usual general judiciary procedure under the honor code. Students may receive sanctions ranging from written warnings to suspension or expulsion, depending on the severity of the offense and community impact.
Medical Amnesty Policy
The health and safety of students are of primary importance. Students are encouraged to take steps to ensure their own health and safety, as well as the health and safety of their peers. Students who choose to consume alcohol are expected to consume it in moderation to avoid compromising personal safety. The College acknowledges that there may be times when students may face medical emergencies involving alcohol and drug use. Therefore, immediate action should be taken when a person’s health and safety are threatened or appear to be in jeopardy.
Medical emergencies pertaining to substance use can include unconsciousness or unresponsiveness, disorientation or confusion, slow breathing, vomiting, and cool or pale skin.In the event of a medical event of any kind, do not hesitate to notify emergency resources (if on-campus, Ířşě±¬ÁĎ Campus Safety, 413-538-2304) for assistance. If medical assistance is deemed necessary, the College expects the student to make choices that prioritize their health and safety, such as accepting transportation to the hospital for medical attention.
In an effort to encourage students to seek time-sensitive care in an alcohol- or drug-related emergency, the College has developed this Medical Amnesty Policy to remove concerns about disciplinary action. Students who actively seek help or medical assistance for themselves, or when concerned about someone else’s use of alcohol and other drugs, will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
The College provides amnesty of the disciplinary process for students who:
- Request medical assistance for themselves.
- Request medical assistance for another person.
When responding to such alcohol and drug violations, the College will consider the student’s decision to request medical assistance, view the act of seeking medical assistance as a reflection of responsible action. Thus if it is determined that the Medical Amnesty Policy applies, the students involved will not be subject to violation of the policy, nor will they receive a violation on their disciplinary record. In follow-up with the student granted medical amnesty, the student will meet with the Be Well director or designee to have an opportunity to review the incident, ask questions and/or engage in further education to support future good judgment.
Medical Amnesty applies only to the possession or consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs. It does not preclude disciplinary sanctions pertaining to other violations such as providing alcohol to underage individuals, violating event policy, assault, property damage or sale or distribution of illicit substances.The goal of Medical Amnesty is to center student wellbeing and, as such, is not intended to be used repeatedly. The College views repeated incidents as a serious health risk and disruption to the community. While amnesty may apply in subsequent cases, it is at the discretion of the Dean of Student or designee. Additional educational or supportive measures may also apply. This provision does not preclude or prevent action by Public Safety and Service or other outside legal authorities.
Sanctions for Violations of the Campus Alcohol and Drug Policies
Violation | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense |
- Possession and consumption of alcohol under age of 21.
- Open container.
- Possession of alcohol or drug paraphernalia associated with dangerous consumption.
- Dispensing alcohol.
- Intoxication.
- Possession/use of illegal drugs or probable cause to believe there was use.
| - Meeting with Residential Life.
- AOD-focused Educational Steps
| - Meeting with Residential Life or a dean in the Division of Student Life.
- AOD-focused Educational Steps
- Disciplinary probation
- Possible parent or guardian notification.
| - Meeting with a dean in the Division of Student Life.
- Parent or guardian notification.
- Disciplinary Probation.
- Possible housing probation and suspension.
- Possible withdrawal.
- Selling/distributing illegal drugs.
| - Meeting with a dean in the Division of Student Life.
- AOD-focused Educational Project
- Parent or guardian notification.
- Disciplinary probation.
- Possible withdrawal or suspension.
| - Meeting with dean of students.
- Parental notification.
- Withdrawal or suspension.
| |
Alcohol and Drug Policy Definitions
Possession: The evidence that alcohol consumption has occurred (e.g., empty beer bottles) or drug consumption has occurred (e.g., bong, pipe, etc.).
Intoxication: The College considers intoxication requiring medical assistance or a medical transport to the hospital as a potential health emergency. If medical assistance is deemed necessary, the College expects the student to make choices that prioritize their health and safety, such as accepting transportation to the hospital for medical attention.
There may be instances in which the parent/guardian will be notified in response to intoxication, specifically when a student is transported to the hospital due to intoxication. Please refer to the College’s Policy on Parent Notification.
The College prohibits students from attending class under the influence of alcohol or drugs and identifies such behavior as unsafe. Students suspected of being under the influence of substances will be asked to leave the classroom and such an incident would warrant staff/faculty to document the behavior and actions taken. As a follow-up students may be referred to Counseling Service for additional support.
Violations regarding alcohol or drugs will be counted as a second offense when a first offense of either policy is already on the record.
Related Policies — Massachusetts State Law on Alcohol:
The record of each offense remains on file with the College for seven (7) years.
The Higher Education Amendments
On October 7, 1998, the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 became effective, making specific amendments to the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (20 U.S. C. 10920 and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)(20 U.S. C. 1232g). The following outlines the significant changes to these acts that influence the alcohol and other drug policies at Ířşě±¬ÁĎ and all other private and public schools that receive federal funds.
The Amendments to the Campus Security Act expanded the scope of the reporting requirement. It must not only report arrests but also record the number of people referred for campus disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug-related violations, and weapons possession.
FERPA generally provides that information about students be protected from disclosure. Generally, the student’s educational record is protected from disclosure. The Higher Education Act of 1998 added a provision that indicates that FERPA cannot prevent a school from releasing information to a parent or legal guardian regarding the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance by a student, if the student is under the age of 21 and the institution determines that the student has committed a disciplinary violation with respect to such use or possession.
Medical and Recreational Use of Cannabis Policy
Massachusetts has instituted legislation under Massachusetts Act (Chapter 369) “An Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana” which allows for the controlled use of medical cannabis in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Thus, citizens of the commonwealth may legally obtain a medical cannabis registration card from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. However, Ířşě±¬ÁĎ students, staff and faculty who legally possess a “medical marijuana registration card” are not permitted to possess and/or use any form of cannabis on Ířşě±¬ÁĎ property or at College-sponsored events.
In addition, the commonwealth of Massachusetts through 935 CMR 500.00 has legalized the sale of cannabis for recreational purposes to individuals at least 21 years old. Although Massachusetts law permits the use of medical and recreational cannabis, Federal laws outlined by the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) have classified cannabis as a controlled substance, which prohibits the use, possession and/or cultivation of cannabis. Therefore the use, possession, cultivation or sale of cannabis in any form violates federal law. Mount Holyoke must comply with the Drug-Free Communities and Schools Act (DFSCA) (20 U.S.C.1011i; 34 C.F.R part 86) as well as the Drug-Free Workplace Act, which requires a drug-free campus environment. Institutions of higher education such as Mount Holyoke must comply with the Drug-Free Communities and Schools Act regulations or risk losing federal funding such as financial aid.
Any student, staff or faculty member who violates Ířşě±¬ÁĎ policy prohibiting the use and/or possession of illicit drugs (including medical cannabis) on campus may be subject to disciplinary action.
Additional Information on Alcohol and Drug Use
Serving Alcohol
No person shall receive a license or permit who is under 21 years of age. Whoever makes a sale or delivery of any alcoholic beverage or alcohol to any person under 21 years of age, either for his own use or for the use of his parent or any other person, or whoever, being a patron of an establishment licensed under section 12 or 15, delivers or procures to be delivered in any public room or area of such establishment if licensed under section 12, 15, 19B, 19C or 19D or any area of such establishment if licensed under said section 15, 19B, 19C or 19D any such beverages or alcohol to or for use by a person who he knows or has reason to believe is under 21 years of age or whoever procures any such beverage or alcohol for a person under 21 years of age in any establishment licensed under section 12 or procures any such beverage or alcohol for a person under 21 years of age who is not his child, ward or spouse in any establishment licensed under said section 15, 19B, 19C or 19D or whoever furnishes any such beverage or alcohol for a person under 21 years of age shall be punished by a fine of not more than $2,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both.
For the purpose of this section, the word “furnish” shall mean to knowingly or intentionally supply, give, or provide to or allow a person under 21 years of age except for the children and grandchildren of the person being charged to possess alcoholic beverages on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged. (See M.G.L., Ch. 138, ¶34.)
Serving Alcohol to Intoxicated Persons
Any person licensed to serve alcohol may not serve intoxicated persons. To do so may result in civil liability for injuries caused by the intoxicated person. (See M.G.L., Ch. 138, ¶69.)
Alcohol and/or Drugs and Driving
Transporting alcohol: It is unlawful for a person under 21 years of age to knowingly drive a car with alcohol in it or carry alcohol on their person unless accompanied by a parent.
Conviction is punishable by mandatory suspension of driver’s license for 90 days. Punishment also includes a fine of not more than $50 for the first offense and not more than $150 for a second or subsequent offense.
Open Container in a Motor Vehicle
It is unlawful for a person to possess an open container of alcoholic beverage in the passenger area of any motor vehicle. The passenger area is defined as the area designed to seat the driver and passengers while the motor vehicle is in operation and any area that is readily available to the driver or a passenger while in a seated position, including, but not limited to, the glove compartment. Violation of this section is punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500. (See M.G.L., Ch. 90, ¶ 24I)
Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence
If arrested, the driver will be detained by the police and read their rights. The vehicle will be towed and the driver taken in a police cruiser to the police station for a breathalyzer test. Refusal to take this test will result in automatic suspension of license for 120 days.
- If the breathalyzer test registers over .05 but below .08 the driver will be held, but there will be no presumption of driving under the influence.
- If the test registers .08 or over, the driver will be held, and there will be a presumption of driving under the influence. The driver will be kept in the police lockup until bailed out. Upon arraignment, the license of the defendant having a breathalyzer of .08 or above is immediately suspended for 90 days.
For persons under 21 years of age, there will be a presumption of driving under the influence if the test registers over .02. The driver will be kept in the police lockup until bailed out. Upon arraignment, the license of the defendant will immediately be suspended for 180 days. Drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 who refuse or fail a breathalyzer test must complete a Youth Alcohol Program (Y.A.P.) and suffer a 180-day license suspension. In addition, the law mandates a fine dedicated to the Trust Fund for Head Injury Treatment Services; allows out-of-state convictions to be used to calculate repeat offenses; and allows a court to look back ten years to calculate repeat offenses. For more information regarding offenses, including first–fifth offense conviction information, see M.G.L., Ch. 90, paragraph 24.
Homicide by Motor Vehicle
Anyone who operates a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor and who operates that vehicle recklessly or negligently so as to endanger and who, by any such operation, causes death shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two and one-half or more than 15 years and a fine of not more than $5,000. Punishment also includes suspension of license for 15 years with first offense and lifetime suspension with subsequent offense.
Drug Enforcement Laws
An Act Providing for Drug-Free Schools
Effective July 11, 1989, anyone convicted of dealing drugs within 1,000 feet of an elementary, vocational, or secondary school faces a mandatory two-year prison sentence. It will not matter whether the dealer knew they were near a school, whether it is a public or private school, or whether the school is in session. The law pertains to drug distributors, manufacturers, or persons possessing a controlled substance with intent to distribute it. A fine of up to $10,000 may also be imposed but not in lieu of the two-year term of imprisonment.
An Act Providing for Suspension of a License to Operate a Motor Vehicle upon Conviction of Violation of the Controlled Substance Act
This law provides that a conviction of any drug offense shall result in the loss of the right to drive for a period of up to five years. A minor who does not yet have a driver’s license at the time of their conviction can lose the right to obtain a license until reaching age 21.
An Act Further Regulating the Misuse of Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards This law makes a broad spectrum of activities related to false identification cards or licenses punishable by a fine or imprisonment. These activities include, but are not limited to, making, using, or carrying a false identification card or license; using the cards or license of another; and furnishing false information in obtaining a card or license. In addition, a conviction on any of these charges will result in an automatic one-year suspension of the license to drive.
Social media is a great way for students to communicate, share thoughts and ideas, be social, and engage in productive and constructive dialogue. It can also be used in ways that cause harm and distress to others.
While the College may not control websites, social media and other venues in which harassing communications are made, when such communications are reported to the College, it may engage in a variety of means to address and mitigate the effects and help connect students with law enforcement when appropriate.
Members of the community are encouraged to be good digital citizens and to refrain from online misconduct, such as feeding anonymous gossip sites, sharing inappropriate content social media, disrespecting privacy, or otherwise using the ease of transmission and/or anonymity of the internet or other technology to harm another member of the Ířşě±¬ÁĎ community.
The Honor Code Council encourages you to be responsible and think before you post:
If you have a concern about posts you have seen or feel that someone has violated the honor code with their post, you can notify the Honor Code Council: .