“Let’s Go Home”

A hyperpoem that readers can navigate through in a non-linear way.
“Let’s Go Home” uses Storyspace 3 hypermedia storytelling software to create a hyperpoem that readers can navigate through in a nonlinear way. As an artist, I am a poet, a collage-maker, and a designer in learning, media and technology.
Using Storyspace 3 for this hyperpoetry project has informed me about what is possible at a basic level for creating narratives using hypermedia infrastructures, which I first learned about in Hannah Goodwin’s Introduction to Media Studies course. Like collages, hypermedia allows for artists to create nonlinear reading pathways through intertwined nodes, commonly called writing spaces or tiles, within hypermedia software. I love working in this medium because it presupposes continuous revision and editing. This specific hyperpoem uses parts of a poem, “Let’s Go Home”, that I wrote in Samuel Ace’s Poetry and Image: Formations of Identity course as a central metaphor and locus for evoking memories, investigations and explorations of family past, present and future.
The project allowed me to explore how to equalize interactive agency in both the reader and the artist while intersecting work between my courses. Meanwhile the writing itself is an unfinished product, even after publication, susceptible to amendments, deletions and transformations of content around excavating my home space and the memories of family tied to it.

This project funded in part by MHC Arts+Technology Microgrants