A Day at MHC: Nora Carrier

“Some of my favorite things about MHC are how friendly the people are, how beautiful the campus is and how interesting the classes are!”
Class: sophomore
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
Major: politics

8:00 am: I usually have an 8 a.m. class, but it doesn’t meet on Tuesdays, which is nice because I got to sleep in a little bit. I woke up at 8, listened to a podcast, made coffee and got ready for the day.
9:00 am: I’m currently working as a research assistant for a really interesting project in the international relations department, so at 9 I started some work on that, compiling sources for the project.

11:00 am: It was kinda rainy outside today and I had a lot of work to do, so I decided not to go to Blanch for lunch and instead ate some leftover fried rice and potatoes while working on an essay.
12:00 pm: I’m currently working as a development intern at a local Massachusetts nonprofit. My work hours for the internship are noon to 2 and I spent this time doing some grant research.

2:00 pm: I had class at 2:30 today, so I made a cup of tea and logged onto Zoom. My class is a 200-level politics course called Resistance and Revolutions.Today we talked about coup d’etats, which was super interesting.
4:00 pm: After class, I walked to Auxiliary Services with one of my friends to pick up a letter they had received.
5:00 pm: My friends and I walked to Blanch to pick up dinner around 5. I spent the rest of the night doing homework and getting ready for tomorrow.

7:00 am: I woke up early today to work on an essay before my 8 a.m. class. I went to Blanch to get breakfast and ended up being the first student there. I got eggs and bacon and yogurt, which were all super tasty.
8:00 am: At 8, I had my Symbolic Logic class over Zoom.
12:00 pm: I worked with my internship again today and read through a number of grant proposal drafts for upcoming grants.
2:45 pm: At 2:45, I had my Resistance and Revolution class.

4:00 pm: At 4, I submitted my paper and did some more work for my research job.
5:00 pm: After my research work, I hung out with my friend Laura and helped her dog, Shelby, get used to the stairs. She used to live in a single-story building so she gets a little nervous.

7:00 pm: My friends and I walked to Blanch for dinner at 7. I had a mini pizza and some salad and some turkey noodle soup.
8:00 pm: After dinner, I did a puzzle with my friend Carissa. It was a fun and productive day!