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Holyoke College, July 1996-May 1998 Tutor, Department of History, Harvard University, 1995-96 COURSES TAUGHT Modern Europe (since about 1648) Twentieth-century Europe The Habsburgs, Hitler, and the Law, 1848-1948 Modern Germany Germans, Slavs, and Jews, 1900-1950 Minority Rights in Modern Europe The Holocaust in History Stalinism in Central Europe The Other Europe since Stalin Race Law Compared European Public Policy, West and East CURRENT WRITING PROJECTS Who Is Who? National Conflict, Classification, and the Law in Imperial Austria, 1867-1914 book manuscript Communism, Capitalism, and Czech Propertybook project PUBLICATIONS Nationalities Policy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1848-1914, in Pieter Judson and Mark Cornwall, eds., The Cambridge History of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1918 (forthcoming, 2025?). Who Is Who? National Classification in Imperial Austria, 1867-1914, inThe Journal of Modern History, vol. 96, no. 2 (June 2024), pp. 291-331. Quotas and the Jewish Question in Imperial Austria. In Michael Miller and Judit Szapor, ed.,Quotas: The 'Jewish Question' and Higher Education in Central Europe and Beyond (1880-1945) (New York: Berghahn, 2024), pp. 37-66. The Municipal and the National in the Bohemian Lands, 1848-1914, in Oliver Zimmer and William Whyte, eds., Nationalism and the Reshaping of Urban Communities (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). Also in Austrian History Yearbook, vol. 42 (2011), pp. 89-109. [http://journals.cambridge.org/repo_A82rcGfy] The Effects of the Moravian Compromise: Jurists and National Classification, 1906-1914, in JiY MalY and Martin Rja, eds., JUDr. Vclav Kounic a jeho doba [Vclav Kounic, Esq., and His Times] (Brno: Matice moravsk, 2009), 317-26.  Group Rights in Liberal Austria: The Dilemma of Equality in Proportional Representation, in Luka Fasora, JiY Hanua, and JiY MalY, eds., Moravsk vyrovnn z roku 1905 / Der mhrische Ausgleich von 1905 [The Moravian Compromise of 1905] (Brno: Matice moravsk, 2006), pp. 27-42. Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian Politics, 1848-1948 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002). Paperback edition, 2005.  Od Budweisero k echom a Nmcom [Czech translation by Petr Justin of the introduction to Budweisers into Czechs and Germans], in Jiho esk sbornk historick, vol. 71 (2002). Austria vs. Hungary: Nationhood, Statehood, and Violence since 1867, in Philipp Ther and Holm Sundhaussen, eds., Nationalittenkonflikte im 20. Jahrhundert. Ursachen von interethnischer Gewalt im europischen Vergleich (Berlin: Harrassowitz, 2001), pp. 163182. The Nationalization of East Central Europe: Ethnicism, Ethnicity, and Beyond, in Nancy Wingfield and Maria Bucur, eds., Staging the Past: The Politics of Commemoration in Habsburg Central Europe, 1848 to the Present (West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2001), pp. 112-52. Reviews in American Historical Review, Berlin Journal, Central European History, European History Quarterly, German History, HABSBURG (H-Net Reviews), H-Soz-u-Kult, International History Review, Jiho esk sbornk historick, Journal of Modern History, Nationalities Papers, Slavic Review, Slavonic and East European Review, and Social History. SCHOLARLY PAPERS DELIVERED  National Classification in Imperial Austria: A New Take on a Pivotal Case (PlzeH). Conference on The Theory and Practice of Non-Territorial Autonomy in Europe, University of Vienna, Austria, September 2022. National Autonomy in Late Imperial Austria: Quotas in a Different Key. Workshop concerning Anti-Jewish Quotas in Central Europe, scheduled originally for May 2020 at Central European University in Budapest, but postponed because of the covid19 pandemic and held online in November 2020. Round table participant, The Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2017. Referee. Workshop, The Concept of National Indifference and Its Potential to Nations and Nationalism Research. Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic). September 2016. Nationalities Policy. Workshop presentation at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), in connection with a chapter to be written for a new Cambridge History of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1790-1918. May 2016. Who Is Who?Individualism and National Ascriptionin Liberal Austria.Keynote speech, Workshop on National-Personal Autonomy, Non-Territorial Autonomy, Cultural Autonomy, University of Vienna, Austria, January 2015. Czech Housingin Dictatorship and in Democracy:A Case Study. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 2014. The Czechoslovak Politics of Emigrants and Exiles in the 20th Century. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, America's East Central Europeans: Migration & Memory, Columbia University, New York, NY, June 2014. Who Is Who? Separate but Equal in Liberal Austria, 1867-1914. Russian and East European History Reading Group, Yale University. April 2013. Who Is Who? Separate but Equal in Liberal Austria, 1867-1914. Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Williams College. April 2013. House of Dom: Czech Regulated Rent under and after Communism. Czech Studies Workshop, University of Texas at Austin, April 27-28, 2012.  House of Dom: Czech Property Rights under Communism. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) convention, Washington, D.C., November 2011. National Classification in Imperial Austria and the Jews. German Studies Association convention, Louisville KY, September 2011. Who Is Who? Group Rights in Liberal Austria and the Dilemma of Classificatory Procedure, and Group Rights in Liberal Austria and the Dilemmas of Equality (article drafts), East Europeanist Circle, Cornell University, March 14-15, 2010. Commentator, Negotiating Modernity. Workshop at the Institute for Contemporary History, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2009. The Effects of the Moravian Compromise: Jurists and National Classification, 1906-1914. Conference on Vclav Kounic and His Times, Slavkov-Austerlitz, Czech Republic, 30 September 2008. The Municipal and the National in the Bohemian Lands, 1848-1914. Workshop on Nationalism and the Reshaping of Urban Communities, Oxford University, September 26-27, 2008. Discussant, Sites of Indifference to Nation in Habsburg Central Europe. Conference at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, May 2008. Panel participant, discussion of Pieter Judson's Guardians of the Nation. Association for the Study of Nationalities annual convention, New York, NY, April 2008. Commentator, Bureaucracy and the Habsburg Monarchy. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) convention, New Orleans, LA, November 2007. Group Rights in Liberal Austria: The Dilemma of Classificatory Procedure. Conference on Internationalizing the History of Central Europe, Harvard University, May 10-12, 2007. Group Rights in Liberal Austria: The Dilemma of Equality. Conference commemorating the cenenary of the Moravian Compromise, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, November 2005. Group Rights in Liberal Austria. Czech Cultural Studies, 6th Annual Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, April 15-17, 2005. Separate and Equal in Austria: Compulsory Racial Classification in a Liberal State, 1905-1914. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies annual conference, Boston MA, November 2004. Race Rights in Liberal Austria, 1905-1914. Conference on Minorities, Majorities, and the Question of Civil Society, UCLA Humanities Consortium, May 21-22, 2004. Separate and Equal? The Austrian Experiment, 1905-1914. Workshop on Interethnic Coexistence and Violence in Europe's Eastern Borderlands: The Local Community and the State, at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, May 14-16, 2004 Ethnicity: The Strange Career of a Term. Thomas Hart and Mary Jones Horning Endowment in the Humanities Lecture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, October 23, 2003. Racial Classification without Prejudice? The Austrian Experiment, 1905-1914. Czech and Slovak history workshop, Skagen, Denmark, June 2003. The Use and Abuse of Ethnicity in the Study of East Central Europe. Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, April 2003. Panel participant, discussion of David Bell's The Cult of the Nation in France. Western Society for French History, Baltimore, Maryland, Oct. 4, 2002. The Structure of Bohemian Politics, 1900-1950. Canadian Center for Central European and Austrian Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, September 20, 2002. Commentator, Cities and Nations in the Habsburg Monarchy: Reflections and Images. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) convention, Crystal City, VA, November 2001. Ethnicity as National Argument. American Historical Association convention, Boston, January 2001. Czechness, Germanness, and Hungarianness in Historical Perspective, 1848-1945. Colloquium of the Center for the Comparative History of Europe, Free University, Berlin, June 5, 2000. The Nationalization Of East Central Europe, 1848 to the Present. American Academy in Berlin, May 23, 2000. Austria vs. Hungary. Nationalism, Statehood, and Violence from Local Perspectives. Center for the Comparative History of Europe, Free University, Berlin, May 19, 2000. Censuses and National Minorities in East Central Europe. Lecture Series on Minorities and Minority Conflicts in Change: East Central and Eastern Europe in Upheaval. Institute for the Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin, May 16, 2000. Ausgleiche: A Tradition of Political Settlement in East Central Europe, 1848 to the Present. Center for the History and Culture of East Central Europe, University of Leipzig, April 19, 2000. Nations and Municipal Politics in Late Imperial Austria. Symposium in honor of Professor Istvn Dek, Columbia University, New York City, March 2000. Ethnizismus am Beispiel der Stadt Budweis (Bhmen) seit 1848. Forschungskolloquium zur neueren Geschichte, Technische Universitt Berlin, February 15, 2000. Social, National, and Imperial Aspects to Enfranchisement in Budweis/Budjovice, circa 1900. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) convention, St. Louis, November 1999 (in absentia). HONORS AND AWARDS Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Award for Teaching, 2019 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Fellowship, 2016-17 Mellon Foundation Nexus Grant recipient, 챬, 2013 for development of a new course in European public policy Oakley Visiting Fellow, Oakley Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Williams College, 2012-13 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Fellowship, 2012-13 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Grant, 2011 Fulbright Research Scholarship, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2008-9 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Fellowship, 2008-9 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Prize, 2008-9 American Council of Learned Societies Research Fellow, 2004-5 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Fellowship, 2004-5 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Grant, 2001, 2003 Best Dissertation in Austrian History, Austrian Cultural Institute/Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota, 2000 Mt. Holyoke College Faculty Grant, 1999 Berlin Prize Fellow, American Academy in Berlin, 1999-2000 Ph.D. awarded with Distinction, 1998 American Council of Learned Societies  ()b      R S d k  O K T U / 0 ? L _ ` y |  / 笠h?h?5CJaJh?h*h6h?}Lhbe]h_hL CJaJhthg@hL 5CJ\aJhQ[h hL hCQ[ hL h{hL h{5\= ()b   R  O `gdL gdL `gdL ^`gdCQ[ `P^P`gdL  `^`gdL  `P^`PgdL $a$gdL $1$a$ U / 0 ? ` y  0 P b $a$gd*1$gd*1$gd~ 1$^gd'7 1$^gd?1$gdL `gdL / 0 4 5 : ; < I O P b Ӷ{ocWhxPJ^JnHtHhIfPJ^JnHtHh+PJ^JnHtHht4,PJ^JnHtHhh#tht4,hZ h1hZh+PJ^JnHtHh*PJ^JnHtHh~ PJ^JnHtH!h*5CJPJ^JaJnHtH!h~ 5CJPJ^JaJnHtHhk h6hGh?hxh'7hSF! 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