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Received a grant from the Consulate General of Italy, Boston, to support an Italian tutor.

Frau, O. (2025). Grazia Deledda’s Landscape Writings: Ignacio Zuloaga’s Pictorial Suggestions in L’uomo nuovo and Lasciare o prendere? in A. Guiso, & V. Picchietti (eds.), Grazia Deledda’s Painterly Aesthetic (pp. 51-73).  Rowman and Littlefield.

Frau, O., Guest Editor (with J. Guzzetta), Conservative Feminism. Journal Issue: gender/sexuality/italy, 10, I-II (2023-2024)

Frau, O., Guzzetta J. Donne di destra / Women of the Right. gender/sexuality/italy (10 I, II),  https://doi.org/10.15781/kf73-6c95

Frau, O. (2024). Mara Antelling, Matilde Serao, Angelo De Gubernatis. Triangoli epistolari e giochi ad incastro nel Dizionario biografico degli scrittori contemporanei. In A. Bussotti & C. Licameli (Eds.), Biografie. Scrittrici e scrittori fra Otto e Novecento. Edizioni dell’Orso.

Frau, O. (2024). Mara Antelling, Matilde Serao, Angelo De Gubernatis. Triangoli epistolari e giochi ad incastro nel Dizionario biografico degli scrittori contemporanei. In A. Bussotti & C. Licameli (Eds.), Biografie. Scrittrici e scrittori fra Otto e Novecento. Edizioni dell’Orso.

Frau, O. (2024) The Making of Il Giorno. Matilde Serao’s Letters to Luigi Luzzatti. In Claire E. Martin, Clorinda Donato (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century (641-658). Palgrave MacMillan.

Frau, O. (2023). “From Il signorino to Tanino e Tanotto: Pirandello’s ‘double’ conflict.” PSA. The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, XXXV, 2022-2023, 24-44.

Frau, O. (2023). Italo Calvino’s Lecture at 챬: Description and the Future of Literature. California Italian Studies Themed Issue Calvino’s Memos: Between the Old and the New Millennium, 12.

Ellen Alvord, Ombretta Frau. Old Things Considered: Museum Objects and the Study of 19th-Century Italian Literature (2023). In Heather Flaherty and Jodi Kovach (eds.). Language Learning in Academic Museums: New Paradigms for Cultural Study, Language Acquisition and Campus Engagement (pp. 65-80). Rowman and Littlefield.