Faculty Accomplishments

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Bhasiin, K. ['22], Heintz, O. ['21], & Colodner, K. J. (2023). Optimization and Technical Considerations for the Dye-Exclusion Protocol Used to Assess Blood–Brain Barrier Integrity in Adult Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), 1886.

Kahlson M.** and Colodner K.J.. (2016) Glial tau pathology in tauopathies: Functional consequences. Journal of Experimental Neuroscience, 9(Suppl 2):43-50. [invited review]
**denotes 챬 undergraduate student

Gray, N., C. Corson, L.M. Campbell, P. Wilshusen, R. Gruby, and S. Hagerman. 2023. “Chapter 11: Collaboration.” in Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making. eds. H. Hughes and A. Vadrot. Cambridge University Press.

Corson, C. and L. Campbell. 2023. “Conservation at a Crossroads: Governing by Global Targets, Innovative Financing, and Techno-optimism, or Radical Reform?” Ecology and Society. Special Issue on Collaborative Management, Environmental Caretaking and Sustainable Livelihoods. eds. Vaughan, M.B., S. Diver, and M. Baker-Medard. 28(2), https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol28/iss2/art3

Darling, N. (2024) Awarded a grant for the renovation of the historic firehouse at 0 Park Street as a net zero, low embodied carbon adaptive reuse project.

Lepore, K.H., Dyar, M.D., and Ytsma, C.R. (2023) Effect of plasma temperature on major element accuracy from laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(8), e2023GL102919.

Dyar, M.D., Wallace, S.M., Burbine, T.H., and Sheldon, D.R. (2023) New view of asteroid belt composition enabled by machine learning classification of meteorite spectra. Icarus, 406, 115718.

Dyar, M.D., McCanta, M., Lanzirotti, A., Steven, C.J., and Ytsma, C (2023) Calibration for iron redox state and oxygen fugacity in silicate glasses from x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Geology. 635, 121605.

Gilmore, M., Dyar, M.D., Mueller, N., Helbert, J., Brossier, J., Santos, A., Filiberto, J., Ivanov, M., Ghail, R., Byrne, P., Smrekar, S., Izenberg, N., Carter, L., and Gerva, T. (2023) Mineralogy of the Venus surface. Space Science Reviews, 219, 52.

Widemann, T., Smrekar, S.E., Garvin, J.B.,Straume-Lindner, A.G., Ocampo, A.C., Voirin, T., Hensely, S., Dyar, M.D., Whitten, J.L., Nunes, D.C., Getty, S.A., Arney, G.N., Johnson, N.M., Kohler, E., Spohn, T., O’Rourke, J.G., Wilson, C.F., Way, M.J., Ostberg, C., Westall, F., Hoening, D., Jacobson, S., Salvador, A., Avice, G., Breuer, D., Cater, L., Gilmore, M.S., Ghail, R., Helbert, J., Byrne, P., Santos, A.R., Herrick, R.R., Izenbberg, N., Marcq, E., Rolf, T., Weller, M., Gillmann, C., Korablev, O., Zelenyi, L., Zasova, L., Gorinov, D., Gaurov, S., Narasimha Rao, Ch.V., and Desai, N. (2023) Venus evolution through time: Key science questions, selected mission concepts and future investigations. Space Science Reviews, 219:56.