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Frau, O. (2023). Jolanda, Angiolo Orvieto, and Cosimo Giorgieri-Contri: Asymmetric Mentoring Relationships. In Catherine Ramsey-Portolano, Sharon Hecker (eds.), Female Cultural Production in Modern Italy (pp. 159-172). Palgrave MacMillan.

Frau, O. (2023). The Social Role of Jewelry in Italian Short Stories. The Case of Contessa Lara and Marchesa Colombi. In Chiara Giuliani, Kate Hodgson (eds.), Memory, Mobility and Material Culture (pp. 155-170). Routledge.

Frau, O. (2022). “Vagliami il lungo studio e il grande amore. Valentine Giamatti’s Dante Collection at 챬.” CoSMo. Comparative Studies in Modernism, 18, Spring 2021: 231-248.

Frau, O. (2021). Tazenda. The Italian Song. 

Frau, O. (2021) “Maraini’s Isolina Thirty-Five Years Later”, in (M. La Luna ed.), A Life Devoted to Writing. Festschrift in Honor of Dacia Maraini,  ConSenso Publishing, 169-185.

Frau, O. (2020). Prefazione (Foreword). In Flavia Steno, La nuova Eva (5-40). Papero Editore.  

Frau, O. (2020). “Le Memorie di Collegio di Mantea: Un Cuore ribelle nella Torino Fin de Siècle”, Special issue of Il lettore di provincia, L (153), 63-78.

Frau, O. (2020). “La mia azienda:” Matilde Serao e Il Giorno. Lettere inedite [‘My company’: Matilde Serao and Il Giorno. With unpublished correspondence]. Oblio. Osservatorio Bibliografico della Letteratura Italiana Otto-Novecentesca, 36 (2019), 122-138.

On February 24, 2025, the Georgetown University Department of Italian Studies invited Ombretta Frau to deliver a lecture on “Giorgia Meloni and the Rebranding of Italian Fascism”.

Ombretta Frau. Keynote Lecture, “In limine. Women and the City / Women in the City” University of Toronto GSAIS conference, 2 November 2024