Faculty Accomplishments

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Invited speaker for Mellon Sawyer Seminar Building Translation Networks with Hathi Trust. University of Michigan. Talk entitled: "Translation Anarchy" December 7, 2022

Invited speaker at Séminaire d’axe 4 Traduction et médiation at the Université de Lille, France, where she gave a presentation online entitled "Penser la plasticité en traduction" on November 30, 2022.

Gave a guest lecture, “The Pleasure of Translating Catherine Malabou”, at Séminaire Climas Intersections, Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France, on 22 October 2021

Has been named to the Advisory Board of the Gilder-Lehrman Institute of American History.

Liu, W.; Pickett, A.; Huang, K. & Su, Y.H. (2022). Camera Configuration Models for Machine Vision Based Force Estimation in Robot-Assisted Soft Body Manipulation. 2022 International Symposium On Medical Robotics (ISMR).

Melody Su continues her strong medical robotics research connections with UW, RIT, JHU and Trinity College. With the recent renovation completion of her new Intelligent Medical Robotics (IMeRo) research lab, she recruited eight Mount Holyoke research students to participate in her ongoing medical robotics research projects.

The Classical Association of New England (CANE) honored Geoff Sumi with its Barlow-Beach Distinguished Service Award for “distinguished service to CANE and to classics in New England.” Geoff received the award at the March 2023 CANE Annual Meeting.

Svaldi, M. (2024) Presented: A Small Cup of Coffee with a Big Impact: the Interconnection between Creativity, Sociality, Sustainability, and Art in the Coffee Industry, MAFLA-Massachusetts Foreign Language Association, October 24-26, 2024

Svaldi, M. (2023) Presenting at the MAFLA (Massachusetts Association Foreign Languages) a paper "L’incanto della cultura italiana: Teaching Italian Language and Culture through Food, Design, Sustainability and Urban Planning", October 26-28, 2023

Svaldi, M. (2021) Presented "Immersive Teaching of Italian: Transforming a Challenge Into a Resource" at the virtual ACTFL Convention– American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 19-21 November 2021.