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Andrew G. Reiter appeared on the PBS Nova documentary "The Violence Paradox" which aired on November 20, 2019.

Rosa, V. Interview on Qué Onda--video podcast hosted by Mari Castañeda. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZI9TevT79Q

Was interviewed on Boston Public Radio about research she conducted with students in her Latinxs and Housing seminar. This research was also highlighted in an article by WGBH news on March 7, 2022. Additionally, Rosa chaired a session at the Eastern Sociological Society’s annual conference on March 7 and was invited to present her research on race and public housing in New York City at the New England Consortium for Latina/o Studies on March 25, 2022.

Was invited to speak at the closing session for the Fall 2020 Campus Compact Symposium, “Advancing Equity Through Publicly Engaged Scholarship: Transforming Faculty Reward Policies and Practices.” Vanessa also spoke about her research at the Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism Volume 19 symposium and celebration in November 2020.

Was appointed to the Editorial Board of English Literary Renaissance, a journal published by the University of Chicago Press.

Saltzman, M. Regional Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wolf Humanities Center, seminar “Stuff,” 2018-2019.

Saltzman, M. Invited lecture for Columbia School of Professional Studies Pre-College, “Resisting Mass Tourism and City Branding,” February 21, 2021.

Was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Shread, C. Round table panelist “Traduire et éditer le genre » Babelica, Alliance internationale des éditeurs indépendants, online 21 September, 2023

Shread, C. Invited keynote speaker at the 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies: "Plasticity of Thought in Translation" 29 May 2023