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Park, K.-S. (2019). L2 children’s adherence to the given-before-new principle in dative alternations. International Workshop on the L1 and L2 Acquisition of Information Structure. KU Leuven, Belgium. April 26.

Park, K.-S. (2018). KFL learners’ acquisition of scrambling and non-scrambling with give-type verbs. American Association of Teachers of Korean 23rd Annual Conference (AATK 23). University of Toronto, Canada. June 22.

Park, K.-S. (2017). A bidirectional study on the givenness constraint in L2-English and L2-Korean. American Association for Applied Linguistics 2017 Conference (AAAL 2017). Portland, OR. March 18.

Park, K.-S. & H. Y. Smith. (2017). Issues in Korean language placement testing. American Association of Teachers of Korean 22nd Annual Conference (AATK 22). University of Southern California, Los Angeles. July 1 

Monahin, Nona & Pash, Meg. (2024, February 22). The Interdependence of Music and Dance in 16th-century Renaissance Dance Reconstruction. Early Dance Symposium 2024 - virtual conference hosted by the University of Pennsylvania and the Dance Studies Association’s Early Dance Working Group.

Paus, E. One-month fellowship at the University of Kassel (Germany, July 2023) for research participation in comparative project on extractivism (Latin America and Magreb) funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.

The South Asia Center and the Department of South Asia Studies at the University of Pennsylvania is hosting a conference in honor of Indira V. Peterson (Asian Studies, Emeritus). The New Cultural Histories of South India Conference will be November 9-10, 2019 and will explore Aesthetics, Social Change, and the Politics of Culture.

Pickbourn, L. 2023. Invited panel presentation on Leveraging Commodities for Sustainable Economic Development at the 2023 Joint Meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and the Economic and Financial Committee of the General Assembly on October 10, 2023.

Andrew G. Reiter appeared twice on WHMP Radio's Afternoon Buzz show to speak about the war in Ukraine.

Andrew G. Reiter was the first speaker in the new International and Global Affairs Lecture Series at Loras College, his alma mater, on March 15, 2021.