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Nordstrom, K. (2024) Interviewed about the science of ghost hunting for BBC World Service (Unexpected Elements program).

Starting in 2022, Johannes Norling is a research affiliate with the Laboratory for the Economics of Africa's Past at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

Omojola, B. 2023. Director: African Art Music Conversations Series at Mount Holyoke: A Lecture-Recital. The Inaugural edition was held on October 14, 2023, featuring Ishaya Yarison (composer) and Miracle Amah (soprano). Larry Schipull was the piano accompanist.

Omojola, B. 2023. Panel Chair and organizer: “African Art Music: Autonomy, Pan-Africanism, and Cultural Patriotism.” Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, October 19-22, 2023.

Omojola, B. 2023. Conference presentation: “African Pianism, Pan-Africanism and Anticolonial Nationalism: A Study of the Music of Halim El-Dabh.” Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, October 19-22, 2023.

Omojola, B. 2023. Conference presentation: “Pitch Organization and Narratology in Post-Colonial African Opera: Composing the Music of Activism in Funmilayo.” The African Operatic Voice Conference, University of Bern, Switzerland, September 8-10, 2023.

Omojola, B. 2023. Public Lecture: “Opera as Political Narrative: Composing the Music of Activism in Funmilayo.” Lagos State University of Education, Lagos, Nigeria, August 4, 2023.

Omojola, B. 2023. Keynote Speaker: “Musical Emblems of the African Postcolony: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Decoloniality.” International Council for Traditional Music and Dance World Conference, University of Ghana, Accra, July 13-19, 2023.

Omojola, B. 2023. “Tributes to Bode Omojola: Paradigms and Encounters in African Musicology.” MUSON Center, Lagos, Nigeria, July 22. Organized by Bode Omojola’s colleagues and former students.

Convened and directed a 3-day exploratory seminar titled “African Art Music: Composers, Performers, and Scholars in Dialogue.” It was hosted by Harvard Radcliffe Institute in June 2021 and featured participants from Africa, Europe, and the United States.