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In August 2022, Greenbaum was selected to be a featured performer on the final 50th Anniversary Gala Concert of the National Flute Associations’ Convention in Chicago where she performed a 20” set of klezmer including a world premier of her Yiddish March composed for the occasion. The audience in attendance was not shy as they joined Greenbaum in dancing in the aisles while she played, proving that her mission to return the historical presence of the flute as a klezmer instrument has largely has been accomplished.

The London-based Klezmer Education Symposium has selected Adrianne Greenbaum to be part of the core faculty for the first international online forum that will take place over two days focusing on varied and unique teaching methods for the folk genre.

Although Adrianne Greenbaum teaches flute and chamber ensembles, two of her recent klezmer compositions were featured in the international scene this past month. One, a Life Cycle suite called “Lebn” (Life) won a top position as a 2020 finalist, performed and aired on YouTube in the Brazilian Klezmer and Yiddish Festival (“Kleztival”) and her composition “Al Hanisim” was selected for a special radio program in Krakow, Poland. 

Was one of few North American klezmer musicians performing and giving workshops in The London International Klezmer Festival and the sole “distant” performer for her adopted home of Scotland for their Jewish Community (ScoJac) event.

Invited to speak at the American Folklore Society in Baltimore Maryland as a leading woman in the field of klezmer. Her requested topic was “Women in Klezmer”, the issues that surround the history of squelching women’s presence throughout history, and current projects that promote women’s leadership in the genre.

Gundermann, Christian. 2023. Short definitional recorded presentation on the concept of "naturecultures" . It is a collaboration between the Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic) and the MISTRA Environmental Research Program in Sweden

Delivered the research presentation, "Outsourcing Migrant Control: 100 Years of Private Prisons,” at the Center for the Study of the Southwest at Texas State University on September 24, 2020.

Published a letter in the New York Times on August 16, 2020, "The Moves Against the Census: A reader says the government's actions obscure accuracy and harm the country." New York Times (print and online editions). 

Interviewed for the radio show, “2020 Talks” by Pacifica Network and the Public News Service.  "” and aired April 22, 2020.

Delivered the research presentation, "Smothering Asylum: Kids, Cages, and Political Currency in Migrant Processing," at the Issues in Mental Health Policy Seminar at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City on January 29, 2020.